Broadcasting – Autel Robotics

Challenges faced by manned aircraft live streaming

  • With bulk broadcasting equipment, take-off and landing requirements are high-demanding, making it hard to apply for a fight zone.

  • The costly manned aircraft live streaming demands incredible manpower and material resources.

  • It is difficult to shot at close range.

Solutions for aerial live streaming

  • Simple flight

    Low requirements for take-off and landing have made it easier to apply for a flight zone.

  • Remote control

    With 5G technology, the drone can be controlled remotely, supporting wireless transmission with a solution up to 4K at 30 fps. Users can enjoy ultra-high resolution shot.

  • Multi-port output

    The small and portable receiving-end device Live Deck supports multi-port output and is easy to connect to the OB truck.

Recommended portfolio


• Premium camera empowering outstanding shot

• 10 pseudo colors guaranteeing stronger identification

• Picture-in-picture mode supporting dual observing


• 1-inch image sensor Ultra-wide range and high resolution

• 10-bit A-log color pattern, creating infinite possibilities for post processing

• Breaking limits in shooting at night, highlighting magnificent shadows